Lumos Networks is currently performing fiber installation work in the Town of Smithfield. This new infrastructure aims to provide residents with faster internet and additional services.
The work, completed over the next few months, will be performed by contractors and subcontractors. All contractor vehicles are required to be marked, and many of the personnel will be wearing identifying clothing, including hardhats or reflective vests. All service trucks will also be clearly marked.
Construction work in your neighborhood should not disrupt your utility services. During this time, crews will mainly be in the right-of-way areas but could extent beyond the sidewalk, in certain circumstances. Please use caution in these areas and be aware of slow traffic.
The Federal Telecommunications Act was passed in the 1990’s and provides for competition among data providers. In North Carolina, the state allows telecommunications/broadband infrastructure to be installed. State law limits what municipalities in North Carolina can do regarding telecommunications companies working in the right of ways. The town does not have the authority to prohibit the installation of this infrastructure.
The town has no legal authority to repair/replace damage to personal property or a homeowner’s individual utility services such as cable, phone, internet, water, or sewer caused as a direct result of construction. It is the full responsibility of the utility providers.
Irrigation, electric fencing, or landscaping in the public right-of-way is “at risk” meaning homeowners may install these items in the right of way but would be responsible for any repair or replacement. The town has no legal authority to repair/replace irrigation, electric fencing, or landscaping caused as a direct result of construction. The town has no legal authority to require the utility providers to repair/replace irrigation, electric fencing, or landscaping caused as a direct result of construction.
What about permits? Don't you need permission to be on my property?
Lumos is permitted to access designated utility easements or the right-of-way (ROW). The ROW is usually a strip of land running along the street, sidewalk, a rear lot line, or between two lots. While most homeowners maintain these ROW areas themselves, the City or Department of Transportation has access to a portion of your property and can grant Lumos access to it as well.
Will LUMOS repair my lawn when you're done with installation?
Of course! Please have no worries there. Once our construction team has completed the work, Lumos will restore your lawn as quickly as weather permits.
We understand construction can be messy, but our goal is minimize the impact on your property and get you up and running swiftly. If you have questions or feedback about the construction process, contact Lumos directly.
How deep do you need to bury the fiber optic lines?
To avoid other utilities, the Lumos team drills approximately 36 inches below the surface using a surface-launched drilling rig. This method is trenchless and has minimal impact.
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